Here’s a roundup of our latest updates on MLVerify.
KYC checks - minimum character count
To help you ensure your clients are giving meaningful answers, following feedback we’ve added a minimum character count to KYC checks.
You can now specify how long an answer would have to be for written checks and will enforce this when your client completes the check.
Nationality search
With on-going sanction changes being made on specific nationalities, finding clients with individuals of a specific nationality has just been made easier.
You can now search for clients which have individuals with the specific nationality.
Data retention policy
The anti money laundering regulations require you to retain records relating to your customer due diligence for a specified period. After this period the records must be deleted unless you are required to keep them in relation to legal or court proceedings, or any other legislation.
You can now specify how long data should be kept within your account settings.
Have an idea for a feature that would be useful? Post it on our community forum, and vote on existing requests, too