Markdown Support

Parts of MLVerify can be customised using a language called Markdown.

What is Markdown?

Markdown is a simple way to change the formatting of text without knowing things such as HTML or CSS.

It’s used

Some text editor uses Markdown, which is a simple way of adding formatting and styling to your text. Our community forums use the same language.

Adding things like asterisks around some text can change the way words look.

Where you can use Markdown

Markdown is currently supported in text editors in MLVerify, including:

  • The policy editor
  • Client portal text
  • KYC template text

Examples of Markdown

Here are some examples of what you can do with Markdown:

Code Output Notes
**bold** bold -
_italic_ italic To be used if the word is alone
*italic* italic To be used if the words are grouped
[Link Text]( Link Text -
* This is a bullet point Bullet pointed list -
![Alt Tag](url to image) Smiley -

Example 1

Please ensure you upload a document which **clearly** shows your full name. We accept:

* UK Driving Licenses
* UK issued passports


Please ensure you upload a document which clearly shows your full name. We accept:

  • UK Driving Licenses
  • UK issued passports

Example 2

This platform is run by [ML Verify Ltd.](

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This platform is run by ML Verify Ltd.

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