Managing your KYC requirements during lockdown

These are unprecedented times for everyone, and whether you’re working from home or being furloughed, it’s safe to say that not many of us know what’s going to happen next.

Working Remotely

Working away from your usual workplace can be a bit daunting, especially when you have to meet certain criteria to satisfy AML obligations.

Thankfully, in this day and age of technology, things are a bit easier. Whether it’s a Zoom meeting with a client, or a screen sharing demo of your new project, technology can open many doors for you and your business.

When it comes to KYC checks, it can seem more difficult, but this isn’t the case.

Electronic ID Checks

Verifying that someone is who they say they are is an important part of many company’s checks. However, when working remotely this can prove slightly difficult.

With electronic ID verification you can check the data someone has provided to you is valid, including:

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Current address

This data is then cross-referenced against various data sources, including government, public and private sources, giving you peace of mind.

Document Verification

It’s common practice to ask for proof of address or ID. When you’re seeing this person face to face it’s easy to ask questions and compare a photo.

But when it comes to working with someone remotely, how do you know that the document they send you is valid and hasn’t been altered to suit your criteria?

The good news is, with the help of artificial intelligence, documents can be scanned and checked using numerous checkpoints to verify if they’re legitimate.

Getting Started

It’s simple to get started. MLVerify provides the tools to help with both of the above scenarios. With a no-obligation 60 day free trial you can get started today with no risk.

Have a query? Get in touch with us by commenting below, and we’ll answer your questions.