MLVerify makes it easy to import your clients from a CSV (spreadsheet) document. On your main client list, you will find a button Import Clients, this will take you to the import screen.
Clients vs Persons
In MLVerify the “Client” is considered as the primary record, beneath which you can have “Associated Persons”. For example, if your client is a Limited Company, the associated persons could be the directors or majority shareholders. For any client, you may have n number (0 - 20) of associated persons.
On the import screen, you will notice that there are two options for uploading clients and persons. Each will require a slightly different formatted spreadsheet.
Clicking your preferred option will reveal a link where you can download a template CSV file.
Importing Clients
When importing clients, we will look for the following column headers in your CSV file. Items marked in bold are mandatory.
- ClientName - Company or trading name (150 max chars). Not required for individuals and optional for sole traders (please see notes below)
- ClientType - See list of valid types below
- FirstName - Required for Sole Traders and Individuals only
- Surname - Required for Sole Traders and Individuals only
- Reference - (50 max chars)
- AddressLine1 - (100 max chars)
- AddressLine2 - (100 max chars)
- Town - (100 max chars)
- Region - (100 max chars)
- CountryCode - (ISO Alpha-3 Code)
- PostCode - (50 max chars)
- Phone1 - (50 max chars)
- Phone2 - (50 max chars)
- Website - (150 max chars)
- Email - (150 max chars)
- Risk - (low | medium | high)
- StartDate - (yyyy-mm-dd)
- EndDate - (yyyy-mm-dd)
- NextReviewDate - (yyyy-mm-dd)
Valid ClientTypes
- sole-trader
- partnership
- ltd-by-shares
- ltd-by-guarantee
- llp
- trust
- cic
- individual
Other things to note:
- The system will automatically skip clients with duplicate names
- A maximum of 5,000 client records can be uploaded from a single CSV file.
- ClientName shouldn’t be supplied for individuals and optional for sole traders
- Where a ClientName is supplied for a sole trader, it will be taken to be their trading name
- For sole traders and individuals you will need to supply both a FirstName and Surname. However, this field isn’t used for any other client type
Importing Persons
When importing persons we will look for the following column headers in your CSV file. Items marked in bold are mandatory.
- FirstName - (100 max chars)
- Surname - (100 max chars)
- PersonType - See list of valid types below
- ClientName - Client name matching exactly the name of the existing parent record. If not found a new client will be created of type “individual”.
- MiddleName - (100 max chars)
- DOBDay - Day for date of birth
- DOBMonth - Month for date of birth
- DOBYear - Year for date of birth (4 digits)
- Nationality
- AddressLine1 - (100 max chars)
- AddressLine2 - (100 max chars)
- Town - (100 max chars)
- Region - (100 max chars)
- CountryCode - (ISO Alpha-3 Code)
- Postcode - (50 max chars)
- Email - (150 max chars)
Valid PersonsTypes
- owner
- beneficial-owner
- director
- member
- llp-member
- nominee
- partner
- protector
- settlor-of-trust
- shareholder
- administrator
- significant-influence
- trustee
- company-secretary
- other
Other things to note:
- The system will automatically skip persons with the same name that are attributed to a single client
- If a “ClientName” is supplied that cannot be matched to an existing client record a new client record will be created of type “individual”. This can be used as a method for uploading only “individual” type clients.
- A maximum of 20 persons can be associated to a single client record.
- A maximum of 5,000 person records can be uploaded from a single CSV file.